"...the external call is never legitimate,
except it be preceded by the internal; for it
does not belong to us to create prophets,
or apostles, or pastors, as this is the
special work of the Holy Spirit."
~~John Calvin~~
except it be preceded by the internal; for it
does not belong to us to create prophets,
or apostles, or pastors, as this is the
special work of the Holy Spirit."
~~John Calvin~~
A lot of people don’t see the call on my life. I’m not exactly sure what a person means when they don’t “see it”. I ran from it and formulated my own plans, because it seemed that maybe I hadn’t heard God calling me to anything at all. But, the further I ran, the further into the crowd I disappeared, the more I became frustrated—broken. After a few months of intense prayer and questioning of the Throne of Grace, here is the announcement. God has called me to be a pastor. If you do not see this, that is okay. God does. It is everything I don’t want to be, but it is the burning desire of my heart. It is a fire shut up in my bones. People are dying and going to hell every single day. Am I foolish enough to think I can save any of them? No. But, Jesus has branded His desire on my heart and I am undone. If you do not see, then pray that you do…for it will hurt your eyes when it comes to pass. Pray that my heart remains open and tender to the leanings of the Holy Spirit. Pray that I mature as a man and get my house in order...especially the difficult parts of it. Pray that my vision for Christ's Church continues to grow, though I might be frustrated with her from time to time. Pray that god would bring people into my path who can come alongside and mentor and bless and pray for me. Above all, pray that I seek Christ with my whole heart.
*This announcement does not at all imply that I do not take to heart the counsel or advice I receive from Godly friends and leadership in my life, especially from those who do not see the calling of God on my life. What it means is that I fear the Lord more than I fear man. Yahweh's peace.